Our specialty
Companies of all kinds and banking business
- Providing legal advice, organizing, preparing and registering corporate contracts of all kinds.
- Establishing and registering companies, institutions, regional…
Arbitration and mediation
- Providing legal advice, preparing and organizing arbitration contracts and agreements.
- Relying on behalf of others to claim and defend arbitration cases before…
Trademarks, patents and commercial agencies
- Providing legal advice, trademark registration and trademark registration renewal.
- Transfer the ownership of trademarks, represent third parties before the…
Legal and ecclesiastical legal work and personal status cases
- Carrying out the legal and legal procedures before any Sharia court, ecclesiastical court of first instance, appellate or supreme on behalf of others in any cases or…
Law and litigation work
- Representing others before all courts of all kinds, degrees, jurisdictions and functions, arbitration, arbitrators, public prosecution departments, all administrative…
Legal Services
- Legal advice, organizing contracts and agreements, preparing studies and research, and organizing legal seminars.
- Answer all legal inquiries in both Arabic and…